
Our Analytical Services are billed on a per test basis.  Our current rates range from $150 to $300 for standard methods.  Our consulting services are billed at $150 per hour with a one hour minimum for verbal responses and four hour minimum when a written report is provided as requested.  Visa/MasterCard accepted.

The Steps of a Marsh Tech Work Order

  1. CONTACT US…. Over 99% of our business discussions are done over the phone.  Because we are a small business and very practical, we find we can serve our customers best by doing as much as possible over the phone thereby saving travel time and expense.

  2. GET A QUOTE….Usually we are able to provide our customers with an immediate quote over the phone that they then use to generate a purchase order.  There are situations when we accept work without a purchase order and agree to invoice the customer directly.  We can provide written quotations as needed.

  3. SEND US YOUR SAMPLE(S)….Most of our customers use one of the international delivery companies for overnight service because the “job is hot”.

  4. PROVIDE CONTACT INFORMATION AND SAMPLE DESCRIPTION.…Either  during a phone call or enclosed with the sample, we need to get your information and a sample description to reference on our report and data sheets.

  5. GET AN ANSWER….We email our report and data as soon as it is complete. 

  6. GET AN INVOICE OR PAY WITH VISA/MASTERCARD….We print our invoices at the same time we print our reports.  If not otherwise instructed, we bill you directly when there is not a purchase order and bill accounts payable when we have a purchase order number.  Credit purchases are processed immediately and the receipt is sent to you with the paid invoice.

  7. FOLLOW-UP AS NEEDED….If you have any questions, please call us.  Our customers enjoy our personal service and don’t hesitate to call with any questions.  Some want to know more about the testing and the specific test data, others want to confirm that they understand our comments, and others just call to say thank you.

It’s really very simple!  In fact, our more frequent and routine customers usually skip steps 1 and 2.  Consulting only customers may not have a sample to ship per step 3 and a written report may not be provided depending on the situation.

Sample Disposition

Samples are kept for a minimum of 90 days after invoicing.  After 90 days the samples may be discarded unless other arrangements have been made with the customer.